EU Organic Standard
You can be confident you are buying organic food and drink when you see the EU’s “leaf” logo on packaging.
Certification and confidence
The EU organic logo and labelling is a quick and simple way for consumers to recognise organic produce, and an important step in guaranteeing that organic produce is always of the same high standards.
Food quality – 90 % of Europeans believe that ‘organic’ by definition means ‘GMO-free’. Find out what restrictions exist on pesticides, fertilisers, and antibiotics and how organic farmers create good quality produce through crop rotations and cultivating in season.
Inspections and controls. Only half of Europeans know that all organic operators must be controlled at least once per year. Discover the control process from start to finish.
Short supply chain. Organic farming means that the time and distance from the farm to your kitchen is greatly reduced..
Organic production combines best environmental practices, a high level of biodiversity and the preservation of natural resources. It is a production method using natural substances and processes. Organic production delivers public goods contributing to the protection of the environment.
Animal welfare
The application of high animal welfare standards respecting species specific needs, is part of the principles of organic production. This includes the selection of appropriate breeds and husbandry practices as well as the maintenance of animal health by encouraging the natural immunological defence of the animal. The wellbeing of livestock must be ensured throughout the whole production process.
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