Информационный партнер Fryday

Open Air Organic Fair present information partner Fryday
Fryday was founded in Kyiv, Ukraine, in April 2010 and during its first year it grew from being a small group of mostly expats to becoming a gathering that attracted several hundred guests each time.
In September 2011 Fryday expanded to Almaty, Kazakhstan, and in early 2012 the expansion continued to Tblisi, Georiga, and then to Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine. Further expansion is likely to take place….
It is networking – having a good time and meeting interesting people
Fryday is a very free format. The events take place at the end of the working week and guests are free to come and go as they please. Free to bring colleagues or friends alike. Fryday does not really have any program except for the facilitation of a forum where the guests are free to meet with and talk to very interesting people from many different professions and backgrounds.
What does the modern consumer require to be successful in their networking and relationship building activities? The first crucial stage is that you have to want to succeed. If you feel obliged to attend networking events it will show on your face and in your behaviour. A positive attitude is therefore very important. Secondly, you have to have an open mind. If you disregard people as uninteresting without giving them a chance you will not last long. Nobody really likes to spend time with somebody who is not willing to share ideas and thoughts or who is not open to new connections.
The venue should preferably give room for movement and service and the guests should not be locked into closed seating arrangements that prohibit the sense of dynamic which is essential for any good networking event.
No substitute for personal contact
In these modern multi-media times, why are we actually encouraging people to make the effort to go out to meet face-to-face when it is so much easier to meet online? Although Fryday is seen as an internet community, it is essentially an offline event supported by online social media groups. We believe that no matter how sophisticated technology becomes, the true character of most people gets lost online. For anybody who wants to have a real relationship it is important to meet in real life to get a better feel for the other person. Only then can trust be established. The concept of such loose professional gatherings was already a familiar one for many in the international communities in Georgia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine so they were naturally well-represented in Fryday early membership, but from the very outset the organizers have been outspoken in their commitment to having a strong element of local guests. We felt that there are already enough expat clubs and we felt that there was widespread interest in making connections which crossed the international boundaries and allowed both communities to better integrate.
At present the breakdown of guests at Fryday events is 30% international, 70% local. We generally have guests from over 20 countries, while all our members share an upwardly mobile and cosmopolitan outlook. As a social media-based group, we steer clear of dry industrial or economic themes and keep our regular events open to people of all professional backgrounds.
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